Rage For Order

The Best Concept Album of the Eighties? Step Forward Operation Mindcrime

Operation: Mindcrime
Operation: Mindcrime (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Concept albums divide opinion. There are those who dislike them as bloated, worthy and self-indulgent. These people see concept albums as being about as welcome as Justin Bieber in The Anne Frank Museum, and avoid them like they would gout. And there are those who love them because they are er, bloated, worthy and self-indulgent.

The eighties perhaps had fewer concept albums than the previous decade, but in a field that comprises such fine albums as Misplaced Childhood, Springsteen’s Tunnel of Love, Iron Maiden’s Seventh Son and just about every album by King Diamond, which is best? Don’t worry, this isn’t Harry Hill’s TV Burp – there won’t be a fight or death match… In the spirit of a parent who has to keep every child happy at a party, I’m just going to pick one whose birthday it is today – and give the rest lots of fizzy drinks, cakes, prizes, then let them run around a lot and give them party bags at the end. Let me know if you disagree with my choice.

Corruption, shadowy figures pulling strings, recovering drug addicts, rape and assassination. No, it’s not the political party conference season, today is the 25th anniversary of Queensryche‘s 1988 concept album Operation Mindcrime

Concept albums, as Forrest Gump once nearly said, are like a box of chocolates. They’re hard to digest all at once and the packaging can be better than what’s inside. Or something.

For eighties rock and metal fans – and probably no-one else – the finest concept album of all time was Queensryche’s Operation Mindcrime – which was released 25 years ago today. The band’s third album, it remains a classic of a relatively unloved genre, but has aged far better than many hard rock records of the time.

I mentioned Queensryche earlier in the year to highlight The Great And Horrendous Photo Shoot of 1986 where, if you remember, the uncomfortable looks on the band members’ faces carried the haunted air of unwilling participants in a hostage video, or perhaps a look of confusion that you would only see on the face of a Daily Mail reader who has just seen the headline “Gay Asylum Seeker Kills Paedophile”.

Queensryche - June 1986-P1

However I feel it would be remiss of me not to draw your attention to the music also – and their Magnum Opus, the aforementioned Operation Mindcrime. It is my hope that you might check out this record – one of 1988’s finest, there can be little doubt (not that the competition was up to much that year – yes I mean you, Stock Aitken and Waterman) – and give it a spin on its birthday. That you will actually play it if you are not already a fan is perhaps a vain hope of course – similar to the one I have that the kids will one day load the dishwasher in a way that means the plates will come out clean, rather than them cram everything in so it all comes out looking like someone has vomited on them and then warmed them up in the microwave. But it is a hope – and if heavy rock isn’t naturally your bag perhaps you will look beyond singer Geoff Tate’s vocal style and the eighties metal (there’s plenty of Judas Priest-style twin guitar goings-on to enjoy) to simply enjoy the story and tunes.

As with the best concept albums it features a barking plot involving our hero waking up trying to recall how he was used by the shadowy Dr X as a political assassin through drug use and mind control.

We realise our hero may have committed an as yet unknown crime in the opening track – which is dialogue between the hospitalised patient and an evil-sounding nurse. In concert in 1988, when they played the whole album through at The Town and Country Club in London, I remember, along with the whole audience, shouting along to that opening scene with a huge grin on my face.

The album raised a cynical eyebrow to the political problems of the time:

Political self-interest: “That crazy scene in DC – it’s just a power mad town.”

The media: “I used to trust the media to tell me the truth / but now I see the pay-offs everywhere I look / who do you trust when everyone’s a crook?”

Celebrity culture: “Warhol wasn’t wrong / fame 15 minutes long / everyone’s using everybody / making the sale”

Money and Corruption: “I used to think that only America’s way was right / but now the holy dollar rules everybody’s lives / gotta make a million, doesn’t matter who dies”.

Social inequality: “Fighting fire with empty words / the banks get fat while the poor stay poor / the rich get rich and the cops get paid to walk away / as the one percent rule America”.

Heh, thank goodness we don’t have those problems nowadays.

There are some cynical references to particular issues of the day:

“Politicians say no to drugs / while we pay for wars in South America”, “All the shady preachers begging for my cash / Swiss bank accounts while giving their secretaries the slam” (nice delicate phrase that).

I’m tired of all this BS / they keep selling me on TV / about the communist plan” (this was a year before the wall came down, and incredibly, seven years before Fox News started).

Back to the story, our hero befriends a former prostitute (now a nun of course – it is a well known fact that 74% of all hookers become nuns later in life) who shows him the error of his ways and offers a way out. He is ordered to kill her, refuses, but finds her dead and – was he her killer?

Just an ordinary everyday tale then – and certainly no less realistic than the average plot on Eastenders…

Unusually for a concept album, the band got the balance right between progressing the story and writing a decent song. Also welcome was the running time: it all fits on a single LP – this ability to be concise and not overstay your welcome is always a good thing (as anyone who sat through The Hobbit will testify).

Listening to this album for the first time in a little while has been enjoyable. Given it was released at the peak of hair metal (and went platinum) it has stood the test of time, not least because Queensryche eschewed the over-the-top misogyny that was so commonplace in the genre, coming up with a coherent concept, thoughtful lyrics and some great tunes. Songs like Suite Sister Mary broke new ground with an operatic male / female vocal counterpoint – and I don’t mean in a Meatloaf or Renee and Renata way. This was a blueprint that led the way for Evanescence to use to good effect many years later with a song that topped the charts. I’d be astonished if Evanescence hadn’t heard Operation Mindcrime.

In a list published by Kerrang! Magazine in 1988 (the year the album was released) of their top 100 Heavy Metal albums of all time, Mindcrime hit #34. They said “this will be seen as a landmark, a shift in what rock musicians can and should do.”

I think those comments still hold true.

Record #186 – Queensryche – Suite Sister Mary





25 responses to “The Best Concept Album of the Eighties? Step Forward Operation Mindcrime”

  1. 1537 Avatar

    Do I not ‘Ryche that! Sorry.


  2. waynelaw Avatar

    I did see Queensryche on their first tour of the States playing clubs and warming up for Twisted Sister- It was funny because Dee Snider went on a 10 minute diatribe about the nice tour bus the record company gave the newcomers while Twisted Sister were still rambling around in a piece of crap van. That is Rock N Roll. It had that Spinal Tap feel about it.


    1. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

      I love Dee Snider’s between song raps. Very funny.


  3. mikeladano Avatar

    I’m a Rage for Order fan, but regardless, this is still the first QR album I bought. Great post.


    1. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

      I have a soft spot for RFO also. OM holds up well though.


      1. mikeladano Avatar

        Yes and it possibly holds up better than Rage For Order due to the synths and whatnot. OM was an album I was really passionate about at the time. I remember playing it on tape the first time, one night before dinner. I had to stop part way through to eat, and then finish the story.


      2. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

        Same here. (not the food story – the bit about being really passionate about it). It’s one I had on vinyl and CD…


      3. mikeladano Avatar

        Never had the vinyl, but it is on my wishlist. I think the cover art is a great cover for vinyl. Same with WASP – The Headless Children, for some reason I think of them together.


      4. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

        I had that one on tape…


      5. mikeladano Avatar

        Worth upgrading to CD on that one!


      6. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

        Saw it on vinyl yesterday for a fiver. Thought about it. Passed.


      7. mikeladano Avatar

        Oh man, it’s still a good album!


      8. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

        Their best I think – I need to hear it again though – it has been a loooong time….


      9. mikeladano Avatar

        Their best I agree. Not quite a concept album though…W.A.S.P. wouldn’t get around to doing those until the 90’s.

        Seventh of a Seventh Son and Misplaced Childhood would rate high for me, for the 80’s, and I would even rank The Elder.


  4. Keith Spillett Avatar

    No doubt!!! Well done!!!


  5. HipsterApproved.net Avatar

    Guitarist Jeff Hanneman, founding member of Slayer, dies

    Did you hear about this?–> http://wtkr.com/2013/05/02/guitarist-jeff-hanneman-founding-member-of-slayer-dies/


    1. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

      I hadn’t heard – no. What a shame – thanks for letting me know.


  6. mikeslayen Avatar

    Great songs/music that can be enjoyed without the whole story as well. I always think of Mindcrime as their 4th….with self titled EP included….the first four were all great and different vibes on each. Empire was cool but now seems to be their jump the shark album…….can’t believe OM is 25!


    1. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

      We’re all getting older…
      The only consolation is that the band must be older than I am!


  7. JM Randolph Avatar

    I listen to this a lot when I run these days. I freaking love this record! I couldn’t get tickets when they came through touring the first time. But about eight years ago, they did a short tour of it again. I caught them in New York, I think at the Beacon. Full-on theatrics; they wrapped Geoff Tate in a straight jacket for the last number and carted him offstage at the end of the song. They tucked the wireless mic down in between his arms and he sang into it, but the antenna was a bit covered and it started to take RF hits; he managed to worm it out to the right position, which I think is the greatest rock star straight jacket move of all time. Great post! Now, for getting the kids to load that dishwasher properly. . .


    1. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

      I like the sound of Geoff Tate trussed in a straight jacket trying to manoeuvre his mike!
      They didn’t have those theatrics in the early shows, so it sounds like you saw a good one – but they did at least have a female singer who came on for the one or two songs. Best of luck with the dishwasher…


  8. erikswavelength Avatar

    Operation Mindcrime was an amazing concept album and I had the pleasure of seeing it performed live at the time. Geoff Tate’s voice was flawless in concert.
    My two cents- Fates Warning “No Exit” was the best concept album of all time. Absolute Perfection.


  9. Dave Stainton Avatar
    Dave Stainton

    Oh man, I was OBSESSED with this album when it came out, had it on vinyl and used to stick it on before bed and (usually) fall asleep somewhere during the second side then wake without fail just as Geoff Tate says ‘I remember now’ after the last track ends. I also know that the recorded PA announcement in the hospital “Dr. David, telephone please. Dr. David Dr. Blair, Dr. Blair, Dr. J. Hamilton, Dr. J Hamilton” was taken from some sound affects album and has appeared in lots of TV programmes and films (don’t know which though!).

    Other albums which I am guaranteed to fall asleep during are BOC’s ‘Secret Treaties’ and Frank Zappa ‘Tinseltown Rebeliion’. I have no idea why and it’s not cos they’re boring, must be like a seadative effect I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Every Record Tells A Story Avatar

      I love that BOC album. Strange it should have that effect on you!


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